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Question: How do I manage a relationship?

Answer: Well Webster gives us a workable definition: “to exercise executive, administrative, and supervisory direction of”

To put it in a way you might understand better. To manage something is to direct it so that you achieve your purpose. So if our purpose is to “Create a Better Relationship”, how do we manage our activities so that we achieve our purpose.

Well, the best way to manage anything and to control the direction towards a purpose is by a combination of observing the statistics of the activity and planning off of that.

So the question is what is the most important statistic for a guy to watch and monitor with respect to relationships. WRITE THIS DOWN, because you are not going to get it from any of the other Dating Guru’s. The statistic you want to monitor is MOTION. Specifically MOTION TOWARD and MOTION AWAY.

You won’t believe how important the observation of this statistic is until you start doing it. It will change your life. It is not only involved in men/women relationships, it is involved in any relationship you can think of (for example, I use it extensively in sales).

Now, when it comes to women, you should be watching MOTION from day one. I discovered the importance of this when I was 25 and doing the bar scene nightly, I was very shy and just stood there for about 2 months looking at people and talking to no one.

After a while, I began to watch the MOTION involved in interactions rather than the content (what people say) of interactions. That is when I became suddenly successful.

These are excellent studies in situational techniques derived from observing motion and I will refer to them below.

Now what most guys do in the bar scene is some arbitrary motion pattern they learned from some GURU without observing the motion at hand, or they do their own arbitrary motion pattern. The arbitrary pattern will work a percentage of times, so most guys, if they hit up on enough girls with any kind of motion, will eventually find someone it works on.

But what makes observational technique and strategies superior is that you are not doing some arbitrary. You are doing the exact thing that works and you win 100 percent of the time across ALL Motion patterns, and ALL personality types.

There are only three basic motions a person can do with respect to you. 1) Move toward you, 2) move away from you, and 3) stay in the same place with respect to you (no motion).

Now when I talk about motion here with respect to a man/woman relationship, I am talking about motion towards you in many ways, like:

1) physically (a woman moves closer to you, touches you, etc.)

2) mentally (agreement would be a motion toward, disagreement a motion away)

3) emotionally (liking you and feeling comfortable would be a motion toward and disliking you, feeling uncomfortable with you would be a motion away)

4) communicatively (wanting to talk to you would be a motion toward, not wanting to talk to you would be a motion away).

Then there are different channels of communication. A girl could lean into you very sexily, touch you lightly, and tell you what a bastard prick you are. If you only pay attention to the content, you could be blown away. If you only pay attention to the touch, she could blow you away. But if you pay attention to the complex communications and all the motion vectors involved, you would know what to do.

Now these three basic motions combined with different channels of communication can get very complex as not only are there different channels of communication but there are motions within motions.

Now in my book “Dating to Relating” I teach you all about advanced and complex motions, but for the sake of this essay if you just start observing the basic motions you will be way ahead of most guys.

So let’s get back to relationships. If you are in a relationship, the girl is either moving TOWARD you – physically, emotionally, mentally, and communicatively, or she is staying in the same place with respect to you, or she is moving AWAY.

THESE ARE YOUR STATISTICS that you use to manage your relationship. You watch and observe what is she doing and the direction of her motion.

If she wants LESS sex, she is moving away. If she doesn’t talk to you as much, she is moving away. If she is getting bored with you, when she use to be enthralled she is moving away. If she wants “to talk” about things (guys hate this) she is starting to move away, but she is simultaneously moving toward you (wanting to communicate about it.)

Now what do you do about it?

REAL SIMPLE – observe what makes her move toward you, CREATE more of that. Observe what makes her move away from you and STOP doing that.

Now if you just do those two simple actions on a daily basis you can make any relationship better and continue to grow and you can repair a relationship that has gone astray.

OBSERVATION, however, is not always as easy as it sounds. I have a friend who I have been telling all this stuff to for years, and he still hasn’t developed the ability to observe. One night we went to a restaurant together, and I flirted with the waitress lightly. I said something like, “You have pretty eyes.”

As soon as I said that, she leaned back a little, away from me, and I knew immediately she probably had a boyfriend or something. Her motion was telling me I would have to approach her on a much lower gradient if I was interested in continuing.

Well my friend didn’t get it. He thought it was a great lead in for him to hit up on her and started saying all kinds of stuff to her. She began getting quite uncomfortable with us, and I finally had to kick my friend under the table to get him to stop.

When she left, I asked him, “Didn’t you see her lean away from me when I said that?” Well he admitted he did SEE it, but he didn’t OBSERVE it or know what it meant. So he jumped in at the wrong gradient. I got him to stop and I made the girl relax when she came back by saying, “Don’t take us seriously, we flirt with ALL the girls.” She laughed and then totally relaxed with us.

The point of this story being that some guys SEE motion, but DON’T observe it or interpret it correctly. If that is you, just KEEP practicing until you get it right.

The only other thing you will have to take into account in all this, is your personal integrity. Sometime when you start to really observe people and seeing what makes them move toward you, or away from you, you get into a conflict of values, interests, opinions, etc.

You may find yourself in a position that you don’t want to do the things that work and  make her move toward you, and she doesn’t want to do the things that you would like to do to make her move toward you.

When you find yourself in that position, you are perhaps in the wrong relationship for you and you guys should sit down and really discuss your values and where each of you want to go with your lives and your relationship to see if it is worth continuing.

So now you have two very big basics:

You have to continually create a relationship for it to continue to get better. And you have to observe if what you are creating is making the girl move towards you or away from you. Do only those things that make her move towards you.

If you do this correctly your girl will fall deeper and deeper in love with you as time passes. Sex will get better and better, and you will fall deeper and deeper in love with her. (Provided you got the right girl to begin with!)

Mr. L. Rx

NOTE: If you would like more in depth and organized information on how to meet, attract, and have a relationship with women consider the book How I Got 700 Dates In One Year, Dating To Relating – From A To Z, or any of the other books by Mr. L. Rx.

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  • A special instantly downloadable report to get you to JUMP START your love life. Don't sit around the house wondering when you will ever date again when within hours you can get started meeting and dating 100s of women in the coming year. Mr. L. Rx has done it and still does it, and he will show you HOW! In this concise, downloadable, easy to read and easy to implement report you will learn: -- TWO separate proven TECHNIQUES for generating 100's of dates a year -- TECHNIQUES that are FAST, and SIMPLE to learn, and that you can START implementing them IN A COUPLE OF HOURS from now. That's right in just a few hours from now you can be on your way to generating 100's of dates a year. It is that POWERFUL. So powerful, that I'LL guarantee it. If you try my techniques and they don't work for you. I'll give you your money back NO QUESTIONS ASKED -- TECHNIQUES that don't require you to have any understanding of women at all. You can be shy, UGLY, and a geek and they will work. IN FACT these TECHNIQUES will not only get you 100's of dates, but the sheer experience of going out on 100s of dates will give you a better understanding of women than anything you could ever read in a book--anything that I or any other GURU could ever say to you. -- This REPORT is GUARANTEED to change your love life. That is why I wrote it. There is NO reason for you guys to wait for the release of DATING TO RELATING the book for you guys to start benefitting from my knowledge.

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  • BOOK OUTLINE OF CONTENTS Introduction - 5 Foreword - 8 1) DATING - How dating Guru's strategies go wrong. - 9 2) Different men like different women. Different women require different strategies. - 10 a) My Credentials - 12 b) Relationships - The problem with Dating Gurus - 16 c) Examples of strategies and how different personalities can require completely opposite strategies - 20 3) Two basic problems -  25 a) What guys do wrong - 25 b) What people do wrong - 31 c) Shortcut Personality Theory - "Feet Angles" and Personality Types - 32 4) The Basic Solution - OBSERVATION - How to Develop strategies - 41 a) Perception channels - 41 b) Motion Toward - Motion away - 46  i) Purposes in observing Motion - 48 ii) Scale of Sexual Motion - 51 iii) Adjusting as you interact - 51 EXAMPLE 1- 52 iv) Set Patterns of Motion - 54 EXAMPLE 2 - 57 c) Gradients - 62 5) Objectives - 65 a) Get Experience - Multiple or "Serial" dating - 65 b) Sane Dating principles build sane Relationships - 67 c) Sane Dating principles can be applied to existing Relationships - 73 d) Prospecting and Qualifying- is she the girl you are looking for - 78 6) Turning "meeting" into dating relationships. - 82 a)      Creating "Future" - 82 b)      Meeting women walking down the street.- 87 c)   Meeting Women In Stores, Restaurants, Malls, etc.- 92 d)   Meeting Women Who Work In Malls, Restaurants, Stores, etc. - 97 e)      How and Where to meet women. - 100 7) Turning Dating into Relationships - 103 a) How to get a second date. - 103 b) How To Turn The second, Third and Fourth dates into a Girlfriend - 107 8) Relationships - The Different Types of Sexual Relationships 112 9) How to Create a Better Relationship - 118 a) How To Manage "Creating A Better Relationship" -123 b) Creating A Relationship - The different Types of Create and Gradients -128 c) Your Love Interest as Your Teammate - 137 10) Seduction - 142 a) The Art of Seduction - A Classic Example - 142 b) Seduction - Short and Long Term Techniques - 145 c) Seduction Qualities On A First Meeting or Date - 151 11) Alternative Relationships -- Lovers, Multiple Lovers and Arrangements - 154 12) How To Make Love To A Woman - 163 a) Foreplay - 163 b) How To Get Your Wife or Girlfriend To Want More Sex - 166 c) Male Dysfunction and Relationships - 172 d) Sexual Technique - How to make love to a woman - 175 SUMMARY - 178 APPENDIX - 179

    This is an eBook and is available for download immediately after purchase. BOOK OUTLINE OF CONTENTS Introduction – 5 Foreword – 8 1) DATING –…